ProNoVi at ICA 2019
ProNoVi is featured at ICA 2019, the 23rd International Congress on Acoustics in Aachen, Germany from September 09-13. The paper presents the ongoing work in the research project ProNoVi. The objective of the project is to improve the numerical and experimental methods for the prediction of noise and vibrations induced by a propeller operating behind ship hull in full scale conditions, and to elaborate practical recommendations for the reduction of noise and vibration levels for single and twin-screw vessels of different size and speed range. The propeller cavitation noise is identified as the dominating noise source in the low frequency band of emission, which coincides with important frequencies of perception of baleen whales and fish and thus may have negative impact on their natural activities. The noise emissions in the same, and higher frequency range may also interfere with acoustic sensors used by naval, research and oceanographic vessels and underwater monitoring systems. The ship on-board noise receives close attention due to the increasing awareness of health hazards caused by the long-term exposure of the crew to high noise and vibration levels, and due to the considerations of safety and comfort for crew and passengers. In addressing the complex, multidisciplinary problem of propeller hydroacoustics, the project aims at delivering a better understanding of fundamental physical mechanisms related to turbulence, induced vorticity and cavitation dynamics which play a decisive role in generation of tonal and broadband propeller noise.
ProNoVi is funded by the MarTERA partners Research Council of Norway (RCN), German Federal Ministry of Economic Affairs and Energy (BMWi) and Italian Ministry of Education, Universities and Research (MIUR) and co-funded by the European Union.
The project partners will give a joint presentation, focusing on state-of-the-art in the field, today's challenges in both the experimental and numerical approaches, and how the ProNoVi project is addressing those.
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